Friday, February 12, 2010

About Us - Constance

We haven't added an "About Us" section yet, but the difference in our personalities and interests undoubtedly will show in our posts. You're getting to know us already, so here we are. This is Constance, and I really think this is a good portrait of her. The background reminds me of her - a  strong, sensible building with unexpected, bold pops of color. Just the kind of thing she loves. Constance is an environmental engineer, a strong single mother, and a fiction writer. I think she is very hip. While we both share our love for sci-fi and art, her slant and stomping ground is different than mine. She likes to take photos of neighborhoods while she's out jogging.  She likes to see the art that is not so obvious, the kind that you have to take a second look at to appreciate. This location suits her in that respect also. We went to coffee at Cuppies and Joe, a delicious, trendy coffee shop on a well-traveled, newly renovated strip of 23rd street. We stepped just behind the building to the place less traveled, and there we found this interesting building and took these photos. She works downtown, with me, and lives on the south side of the city.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Constance! Nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to seeing your photographs.
